Friday, March 9, 2012

A new normal

Ok...coming up for water. So we are now a little over a week since Madison has was released from the hospital. It is amazing to see the progress that she has made on a daily basis. She returned to school on Tuesday and if you didn't know that she had had a major seizure she looked like herself. However, she is still a bit unsteady on the stairs. Madison is walking, talking better, running, feeding herself and back in big girl undies. Unfortunately, we are not sure if cognitively she was affected but only time will tell; right now the therapists are hopeful. Generally, speaking she seems to be unaffected by what happened. I however, am still trying to remember to breath. It crazy to think how laxes we had become with carrying around her meds and taking for granting what she was capable of.....after this last seizure and hospitalization the reality of not knowing WHY this is happening again HITS HARD.....and it sucks not being able to fix I have to pull myself up and out of bed and find the doctors that will listen and the insurance company to pay for the stuff she needs and remember to breath....all the while trying not to blame yourself for the affect this is all having on our other two kids. At least it seems everyone is back to normal....whatever normal is or at least the Landers normal.

So begins the journey of trying to decide what meds she should be on, for how long and are they having more of a positive long term affect or a negative one....ugh...wish I had that crystal ball.

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