Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Madison Turns FIVE!

I can't believe how fast time truly does go -- Madison turned 5 today! Here is a picture of her when she came home from the hospital and this morning before she left for school.

She started her day off by taking in cupcakes (shaped like buried dog bones) to her classmates. Then they sang the birthday "around" the world song and enjoyed a snack.

She came home to a house deocrated with 5's everywhere....Zachary even made her a 5 chandiler. Celebrating the fact that she will be getting a service dog, I made her the "doggie" cake.....We ate a yummy spagahgetti bake dinner followed by homemade ice cream and cake....thank you to everyone who sent a gift. It made her day that much more special. This is the first year that she said "more" after opening up each gift!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thank You - Thank You

Once again, we are amazed at the generosity of our family, friends and community members! Thank you to the following individuals who have made a difference in our little girl's future.
M. Wright
S. Cutting
T. Lord
Mr. Johnson (Bellbrook Snow and Salt)
W. Gardner-Courtney
Soeder Family
A.J & Sunny Scribante (OTTO J Investment Management Comapny)
Fromm Family
Vedra Family

WEDNESDAY -- March 16, 2010
A big thank you to the following families for contributing towards Madison's service dog fund. (Even though we have meet our goal, any additional funds will be posted to another child's fundraising goal)....THANK YOU!
The Arumugam Family
The Pope Family
The Myers Family
The Kossler Family
Eddie and Sherry Landers

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fundraising Goal Is Accomplished

We did it! We did it! As of today we have made our fundraising goal of $13K. Madison's class date is Oct 24....where we will have two intense weeks of training with her service dog. We will still have our last two fundraisers and that money will go toward another child's fundraising goal. Mike and I are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful community, and generous friends and family. Our dream for Maddie is made possible by ALL OF YOU! We will keep you all informed...THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekend at Camp Courageous

What a weekend we had.....the kids went fishing, bowling, swimming, played in the gym, horseback riding, made arts and crafts, got their nails painted, watched a movie (while mom/dad had a date night) and had ice cream whenever we wanted it!

Camp Courageous is a camp for families with disabilities. They provide a weekend of activities and respite care for the families. It was an absolutely gorgeous background in Scottsville, KY and we were so lucky to be given this opportunity. Thank you to the camp staff for your compassion and loving our "special" kids.

March 1st Fundraising Update

We are at $9,341.44.....outstanding! We are so close....a big thank you to everyone who has donated....we are only $3,658.56 away from our goal!!!!!